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Denny Caknan, through the lyrics of the song "Sekti," describes a man who is persistent in fighting for his love even though he faces obstacles, including not getting the approval of his girlfriend's parents. This song reflects a strong form of ma
Profile of Bachelor of Javanese Language and Literature Education graduates from Surabaya State University (Unesa) have broad career prospects, both in the educational and non-educational fields. The following are some of the professions commonly
The Geguritan Maca Competition is one of the 2024 HMP PBSJ ingkang sampun kalampahan work programs. Maca Geguritan competition menika maos geguritan ngginakake competition accompanied by gamelan kanthi endah menawi dipunpirsani utawi dipunpirengak
HMP UNESA Javanese Language and Literature Education 2024 Holds Exciting Javanese Literature FestivalJavanese Language and Literature Education Study Program Student Association, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Surabaya State Universit
lkmm-pra dhasar pbsj 2024 hmp language education and literature jawi sampun nindakaken activities pkkmb study program ingkang dipunwastani lkmm-pra dhasar, nduweni kasebat activities theme "mujudake tindhak widura bring and fragrance" kanthi ituwa
The Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program at Surabaya State University (Unesa) is one of the study programs that continues to make achievements at national and international levels. With various accreditations and recognition, t