This curriculum structure has been approved on August 2020
Approval Sheet
Curriculum Structure of Undergraduate Java Language And Literature Education Study Program has been discussed on.... and has been read by the employer, alumni, and association on........ so that this curriculum is legal to be implemented which begins on the year 2018-2023.
Praise and great thanks to Allah SWT that gives God’s mercy and spirit so that compiling the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) curriculum oriented on Outcome Based Education (OBE) Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program has been completed properly following its study program’s characteristics, namely, having a greater knowledge of the language, literature, and local culture of Javanese society. KKNI oriented on Outcome Based Education (OBE) is integrated with the various teaching-learning process, such as planning, implementation, and evaluation. Further, it is also integrated with other disciplines, skills, and attitudes. Therefore, it has clear outcomes that will be reached in the learning process.
KKNI Curriculum planning based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) is expected to be able to build students’ good character, to have global knowledge without eliminated the local wisdom, and to have a good literacy on science and technology that support the teaching-learning process. Study Program Curriculum involved various internal factors of the university, including aligning the university's vision, namely "Excellent in Education, Strong in Knowledge" with the hope of producing professional Javanese language teachers who are superior and competitive in the education field.
The efficiency of Curriculum Structure with outcomes-oriented could change the current educational process paradigm. New paradigm concerns on Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum is expected to be able to implement properly through Continous Quality Improvement and quality audit so that graduates can compete in the world of work.
This KKNI curriculum oriented on Outcome Based Education (OBE) in Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program has been approved in the year 2018. This curriculum begins in the odd semester of the academic year 2018/2019.
Table of Content
Table of Content Explanation
The competitiveness of Indonesian human resources in a global context is less competitive. Therefore, it is necessary to have a high globally competitive of a grand design manipulation for the quality of Indonesian human resources. One of the ways to gain the high globally competitive is by changing the paradigm of improving the quality of Indonesian human resources in line with the changes in the world of science and technology and the dynamics of the society in the twentieth century.
Indonesian teachers’ competency, in general, is still low, as evidenced in various competency tests showing an average score of around 50 from the ideal value of 70 or more. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the education model of prospective teachers by taking into account the social changes in this current era.
Nowadays, Javanese Language Education teachers are still having small numbers and also low competencies. A Javanese Language Education teacher requires the basic competency of knowledge, skill, and educational and literature concept of Javanese Language.
The future teachers of Javanese language education require to be prepared as teachers who have other supporting competencies that are interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary as a strategy to face the changes of the era which require high and fast adaptability to create new solutions in various problems that will arise in the future.
Regarding the discussion above, the Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program prepare superior human resources with a high global knowledge to prepare the next generation of educators for the next 20 years. To gain that target, it is necessary to develop a curriculum based on national qualification standards so that the graduates are expected to become superior and highly competitive human resources. Curriculum development has essentially occurred throughout the ages. However, in practice, it is known that there are regular curriculum reviews and revisions. If it is related to the essence of continuous improvement, curriculum development needs to be designed through a monitoring & evaluation program in line with the implementation of the curriculum. Also, curriculum development can be carried out according to needs due to changes in regulations and developments in science and technology.
The curriculum development of the Javanese Language Education undergraduate program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, was carried out to adjust to the issuance of the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation 17/2010 concerning the Management and Implementation of Education, Presidential Regulation No. 8/2012 Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI)) - Indonesia Qualification Framework (IQF), Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education.
Becoming an excellent in Javanese Language and Literature Education, strong in Javanese Language and Literature Science
Organizing academic education and teaching in the fields of Javanese language, literature, and culture in a scientific manner and learning practice.
Carrying out, improving research, and developing the scientific fields of Javanese language, literature, and culture in depth and continue to improve the quality of study programs.
Applying the research results and developing knowledge in the fields of Javanese language, literature, and culture as a form of community service.
Cooperating in the fields of Javanese language, literature, and culture education with related agencies for the preservation of Javanese language, literature, and culture.
Realizing the Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program as a center for Javanese language education and literature, especially primary and secondary education based on the noble values of local wisdom as a supporter of national culture.
F. Graduate Profile
Students can master knowledge of Javanese Language and Literature Education.
Devoting the best graduates who have greater competency in Javanese Language and Literature Education and ready to work in the education field.
Developing Javanese Language Education innovation based on its environment and local wisdom to create professional Javanese educators.
Developing research activities in the field of Javanese Language and Literature Education that are relevant to the current developments in Javanese language learning.
Enhancing the collaboration with various institutions continue to develop the competency in the field of Javanese Language and Literature.
Creating the center of development of Javanese language, literature, and culture as a forum for activity and creativity for lecturers and students to carry out research and community service activities.
Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, is arranged to provide graduates with having the following competencies.
Table of the relationship between PEO and PLO
It is adjusted
The Explanation of PLO
K. Rodmap matakuliah dengan PLO dan PEO
Measuring the achievement of the Program Learning Outcome (PLO) that has been formulated by referring Outcome Based Education (OBE) aims to measure the achievement level of curriculum. The achievement of each PLO is measured through evaluation results in the courses which are the core of Program Learning Outcome. It means that if the courses used as the core of PLO are good then other supporting courses are good as well.
The measurement is carried out by measuring the results of evaluation courses with details as follows:
Assignment: 30%
Final Exam: 30%
Mid-Semester Exam: 20%
Participation: 20%
Each detail is categorized into four levels, that is:
4 : Excellent,
3 : Very Good,
2 : Good,
1 : Fair.
Lecturers: Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various historical concepts of Javanese Literature in order to improve its comprehension and implementation in Javanese language learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts of the history of Javanese literature to improve understanding of Java literature history which includes obtaining, collecting, and processing various concepts as well as being able to formulate the solution to various historical problems of Javanese literature in procedurally.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems related to the history of Javanese literature in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various historical problems of Javanese literature in the school.
The study of Javanese literature history aims to increase the understanding of Javanese literary concepts and the implementation in Javanese language learning in the school by utilizing science and technology which is based on the correct attitude and responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Teeuw, A. 1984. Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Darusuprapto. 1986. Periodisasi Sastra Jawa. Yogyakarta: BP BHS Yogyakarta.
Padmopuspito, Asia. 1973. Pengantar Sejarah Sastra Jawa. Yogyakarta: PKSS IKIP Yogyakarta.
Zoutmulder, P.J. 1983. Kalangwan: Sastra Jawa Kuna Selayang Pandang. Terjemahan Dick Hartoko. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Poerbatjaraka. 1957. Kapustakan Jawi. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Lecturers: Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various data of cultures in order to solve problems in Javanese social culture.
Mastering theoretical concepts of culture as a basis for socio-cultural phenomena assessment in the context of Javanese life as well as being able to formulate solutions to various socio-cultural problems in procedurally.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving Javanese social culture problems.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various socio-cultural problems of Javanese language and literature in the school.
The study of cultural theories as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the context of actualizing Javanese community life aims to be implemented in Javanese language learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Koentjaraningrat. 1984. Kebudayaan Jawa. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Suseno, Frans Magnis. 1985. Etika Jawa: Sebuah Analisa Falsafi Kebijakan Hidup Jawa. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Geertz, Clifford. 1974. The Interpretation of Culture: Selested Essay. London: Hucthinson & Co. Publisher Ltd.
8820202018 SANSKRIT (2 CREDITS)
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic etymological concepts of Sanskrit and vocabulary enrichment in order to improve the understanding of old Javanese language as well as literature concepts and their implementation in Javanese language learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the etymological bases of Sanskrit and its vocabulary enrichment. Also, being able to formulate the solution to various Javanese learning problems both ancient and present Javanese in procedurally.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving basic etymological problems of Sanskrit and enriching its vocabulary in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various basic etymological problems of Sanskrit as well as enriching its vocabulary in the school.
The study of basic etymological concepts of Sanskrit and vocabulary enrichment aims to improve the understanding of Javanese language and literature concept as well as their implementation in Javanese language learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Perry, Edward D. 1993. A Sanskrit Primair. New York: University Press.
Subadio, Haryati. 1983. Tatabahasa Sansekerta. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Lanman, Charles R. 1955. A Sanskrit Reader. Cambridge: Harvrad University Press.
Macdonell, Arthur Anthony. 1979. A Sanskrit Dictionary. British: Oxford University Press.
Zoetmulder, P.J. 1973. Tatabahasa Sansekerta. Yogyakarta: FS UGM.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic language concepts in order to improve the understanding of concepts as well as the implement Javanese language learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the linguistic basic as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various linguistic problems.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving language problems in learning Javanese language in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in general linguistic learning in the school.
The study of basic language concepts aims to improve the understanding of basic language concepts and the implementation in Javanese language learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
De Saussure, Ferdinand. 1988. Pengantar Linguistik Umum. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Harimurti Kridalaksana. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Oka, I.G.N dan Suparno. 1994. Linguitik Umum. Jakarta: Dikti
Padmosoekotjo. 1987. Paramasastra Jawa. Surabaya: PT Citra Jaya Murti.
Surana. 2008. Fonetik dan Fonologi. Surabaya: Abi Pena.
Verhaar, J.W.M. 1990. Pengantar Linguistik. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
_______. 1996. Azas-Azas Linguistik Umum. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various listening concepts, types, methods, and techniques in order to improve language skills and solve listening skills problems in the learning process of the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the types, methods, and techniques of listening and their implementation as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various listening skills problems in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving learning listening skills problems in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in learning Javanese listening skills in the school.
The study of listening concepts, types, methods, and techniques aims to improve the language skills and the implementation in Javanese language learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Tarigan, Henri Guntur. 2008. Menyimak Sebagai Suatu Ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Underwood, Marry. 1989. Teaching of Listening. London: Longman.
8820202135 JAVANESE SONG I
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd.M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various rules, cengkok, titi laras, pathet, types, and characteristics of Dolanan songs in order to improve skills of singing songs and the implementation of Javanese language in the learning process of the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the rules, cengkok, titi laras, pathet, types, and characteristics of Dolanan songs in order to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about Dolanan songs.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding Dolanan songs learning in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various practical problems of Dolanan songs in Javanese language and literature learning in the school.
The study of rules, cengkok, titi laras, pathet, types, and characteristics of songs each form, a creation of creating cakepan tembang, an ability to sing each song, and an emphasis of Dolanan songs forms aims to improve the skills of singing the songs in Javanese language learning by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Prawiradisastra, Sajiyo. Berlatih Tembang. Yogyakarta: FKSS IKIP Yogyakarta.
Tedjohadisumarto, R. Mbombong Manah. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Rekaman Tembang dalam CD/VCD/DVD.
8820202132 KARAWITAN ART I
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various gamelan concepts of forms, functions, titi laras, pathet, gamelan playing techniques, and musical forms in order to improve the skill Surakarta karawitan style with an emphasis on gending lancaran forms in the learning process of Javanese language in the school.
Mastering theoretical gamelan concepts about the forms, function, titi laras, pathet, playing techniques and musical forms in order to formulate the procedural solution to various Surakarta karawitan style problems with an emphasis on gending lancaran forms.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding Surakarta karawitan style with an emphasis on gending lancaran forms in Javanese language learning in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various practical problems of Surakarta karawitan style with an emphasis on gending lancaran forms in Javanese language and literature learning in the school.
The study and mastery of practice rules on gamelan forms, gamelan functions, titi laras, pathet, gamelan playing techniques, gending forms, the practice skill of Surakarta karawitan style, and the emphasis of gending lancaran forms aims to improve the skills of playing gamelan as well as the implementation of Javanese language in learning process in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Adipitoyo, Sugeng. 1993. Pengantar Berlatih Menabuh Gamelan Jawa. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Santoso, Hadi. 1988. Tuntunan Memukul Gamelan. Semarang: Dahara Prize.
Lecturers: Drs. Sukaman, M.Si. .
Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various understanding of concepts and learning theories from the various perspectives also approaches as well as the implementation Javanese language learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the concepts and learning theories from the various perspectives also approaches as well as the implementation in the learning process of Javanese language procedurally in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding concepts and learning theories from the various perspectives and approaches in learning process of Javanese language in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems of the concepts and learning theories from various perspectives and approaches in Javanese language learning process in the school.
The study of concepts and learning theories from various perspectives and approaches in Javanese language learning implementation as a framework to support a learning achievement, learning problem solving, learning motivation including Behaviourism, Social Cognitive, Information Processing, Constructivism, and Cognitive Learning Processes also the implementation of Javanese language in the school are carried out by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Schunk, Dale H., (terj). 2012. Learning Theories an Education Perspective. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Silberman L, Melvin, (terj). 2011. Active Learning: 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject. Bandung: Nusamedia
Rooijakers, Ad. 1993. Mengajar Dengan Sukses. Jakarta: Grasindo.
Students should have passed the Javanese Literature History course
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dra, Sri Wahyu Widayati, M.Si.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic concepts and literature theories in order to solve theoretical problems of Javanese literary texts analysis.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the basic concepts and literary theories as well as being able to formulate the solutions to various theoretical problems in the analysis of Javanese literature procedurally.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding theoretical analyses of Javanese literature in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various theoretical problems in the analysis of Javanese literary works in the school.
The study of basic concepts and literature theories aims to increase the ability to solve theoretical problems of literary works in Javanese language learning by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Fokkema, D.W. dan Kune Ibisch, Eltrud. 1998. Teori Sastra Abad ke Dua Puluh. Terjemahan Praptadihardja dan kepler Silaban. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Teeuw, A. 1984. Sastra dan Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Wellek, Rene & Austin Warren. 2000. Teori Kesusastraan. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Kennedy, X.J. 1976. An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. New York: Longman.
Students should have passed the Javanese Song I course
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various rules, cengkok, titi laras, pathet, types, and characteristics of Macapat song in order to improve skills of singing songs and the implementation of Javanese language in the learning process of the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the rules, cengkok, titi laras, pathet, types, and characteristics of Macapat song in order to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about Macapat song.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding Macapat song learning in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various practical problems when singing Macapat song in Javanese language and literature learning in the school.
The study of rules, cengkok, titi laras, pathet, types, the characteristics of song each form, a creation of creating cakepan tembang, an ability to sing each song, and an emphasis of Macapat song forms aims to improve the skills of singing the songs in Javanese language learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Prawiradisastra, Sajiyo. Berlatih Tembang. Yogyakarta: FKSS IKIP Yogyakarta.
Tedjohadisumarto, R. Mbombong Manah. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Rekaman Tembang dalam CD/VCD/DVD.
Students should have passed the Introduction to Linguistics course
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various word formations including forms and types of words in Javanese for implementing Javanese language in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about word formation including forms and types of words as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about Javanese morphology in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding Javanese morphology learning in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in Javanese morphology learning about word formation in the school.
The study of word formation including forms and types of words aims to improve skills in solving various problems in the morphology field and Javanese learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Poedjasoedarmo, Soepomo. 1979. Morfologi Bahasa Jawa. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Antunsuhono. 1953. Reringkesaning Paramasastra Djawi. Yogjakarta: Soejadi.
Wedhawati, dkk. 2001. Tata Bahasa Jawa Mutakhir. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various concepts, types, methods, and techniques of reading Latin and Javanese script text to improve language skills as well as the implementation in reading Javanese in order to solve problems in the basic Javanese reading learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts also implementation about the types, methods, and techniques of reading Latin and Javanese script text as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about basic Javanese reading in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding the learning of basic Javanese reading in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in learning of the basic Javanese reading in the school.
The study of concepts, types, methods, and techniques of reading Latin and Javanese script text aims to improve language skills and the implementation in Javanese learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Harjasujana, Ahmat S. dkk. 1988. Materi Pokok Membaca. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1988. Membaca Sebagai Suatu ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Sudarso. 1988. Membaca Cepat dan Efektif. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Basir, Udjang Pairin. 1997. Ketrampilan Membaca: Teori dan Penerapannya. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various concepts, types, methods, and techniques of speaking to improve language skills as well as the implementation in speaking Javanese in order to solve problems in the basic Javanese speaking learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts also the implementation about types, methods, and techniques of Javanese speaking as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about basic Javanese speaking in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding the learning of basic Javanese speaking in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in learning of the basic Javanese speaking in the school.
The study of concepts, types, methods, and techniques of speaking aims to improve language skills and the implementation in Javanese learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2008. Berbicara Sebagai Suatu Ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Laksono, Kisyani. 1997. Teori Berbicara. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Yatmana, Rama Sudi. 1986. Tuntunan Kagem Panata Cara Tuwin Pamedhar Sabda. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu.
Students should have passed the Introduction to Linguistics course
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various concepts, types, and functions of phonology for an implementation in Javanese learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts about phonology types and functions as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about Javanese phonology in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding the learning of Javanese phonology in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in Javanese phonology learning in the school.
The study of concepts, types, and functions of phonology aims to improve skills in solving phonology problems and the implementation of Javanese learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections
Marsono. 1980. Fonetik. Jogjakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Rass, J.J. 1982. Inleiding Tot Het van Modern Javanche. Grafenhage: Martinus Nijhoff.
Surana. 2008. Fonetik dan Fonologi. Surabaya: Abi Pena.
Yulianto, Bambang. Fonologi. Surabaya: IKIP Press.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various concepts, types, methods, and techniques of writing Latin and Javanese script text to improve language skills as well as the implementation in writing Javanese in order to solve problems in the basic Javanese writing learning in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts also implementation about the types, methods, and techniques of writing Latin and Javanese script text as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various problems about basic Javanese writing in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding the learning of basic Javanese writing in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems in learning of the basic Javanese writing in the school.
The study of concepts, types, methods, and techniques of writing Latin and Javanese script text aims to improve language skills and the implementation in Javanese learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2008. Menulis Sebagai Suatu Ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Keraf, Gorys. 1988. Komposisi. Ende Flores: Nusa Indah.
Keraf. Gorys. 1992. Argumentasi dan Narasi. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Padmosoekotjo, 1986. Wewaton Panulise Aksara Jawa. Surabaya: Citra Jaya Murti.
Lecturers: Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various approaches, models, methods, and techniques of learning in order to solve problems in learning of language and literature in the school.
Mastering theoretical concepts also implementation about approaches, models, methods, and techniques of learning as well as being able to formulate the procedural solution to various problems on language and literature in the school.
Deciding a strategic based on analysis of information and data then provide a guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems regarding the learning of language and literature in the school.
Have a commitment and responsibility for the learning performance both independently and group study in solving various problems of learning strategies for Javanese language and literature in the school.
The study of teaching and learning principles in language and literature also the implementation in Javanese learning aims to improve an ability to solve problems in Javanese learning in the school by utilizing science and technology with a responsible manner. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Subyakto, Sri Utari-N. 1993. Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Suyatno. 2004. Teknik Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra. Surabaya: SIC.
Ginnis, Paul. 2008. Trik & Taktik Mengajar. Jakarta: P.T. Indeks.
Sanjaya, Wina. 2008. Strategi Pembelajaran (Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan). Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
Gani, Rizanur. 1988. Pengajaran Sastra Indonesia: Respons dan Analisis. Jakarta: P2LPTK Depdikbud.
The students have passed Javanese Morphology I
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect and process any kinds of words making (forms and types of words) in Javanese to be applied in the Javanese subject at schools.
Mastering the theoretical concept about the words making (forms and types of words), and being able to formulate to solve the problems in Javanese morphology teaching and learning at school procedurally.
Choosing a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and guiding advice for any alternative solution to solve the problems during the teaching and learning process of Javanese morphology at schools.
Having responsibility for their learning process or in a group to solve many problems during the teaching and learning process of Javanese morphology about constructing words at schools.
Analyzing the words making (forms and types of words) to improve the ability to solve the problems in word construction (the variety or morphemic process) in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Poedjasoedarmo, S. 1979. Morfologi Bahasa Jawa. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Antunsuhono. 1953. Reringkesaning Paramasastra Djawi. Yogjakarta: Soejadi.
Wedhawati, 2001. Tata Bahasa Jawa Mutakhir. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa
The students have passed Karawitan I
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect and process any kinds of knowledge about the shapes of gamelan, its function, titilaras, pathet, percussion techniques, and the shapes of gending to develop the ability of karawitan with Surakarta style by emphasizing the shape of gending ketawang and ladrang in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering the theoretical concept of the shapes of gamelan, its function, titilaras, pathet, percussion techniques, and the shapes of gendin, and being able to formulate them to solve the problems of karawitan with Surakarta style by emphasizing the shape of gending ketawang and ladrang procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance in advising any alternative solution to solve the problems about karawitan with Surakarta style by emphasizing on the shape of gending ketawang and ladrang in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Having commitment and responsibility toward their works or team to solve the problems about karawitan with Surakarta style by emphasizing on the shape of gending ketawang and ladrang in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Learning and mastering the shapes of gamelan, its function, titilaras, pathet, percussion techniques, and the shapes of gendin, and being able to formulate them to solve the problems of karawitan with Surakarta style by emphasizing on the shape of gending ketawang and ladrang by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, and reflections.
Adipitoyo, S. 1993. Pengantar Berlatih Menabuh Gamelan Jawa. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Santoso, H. 1988. Tuntunan Memukul Gamelan. Semarang: Dahara Prize.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect and process any kinds of principles practice, cengkok (crooked voice), titi laras, pethet, variations as well ad the characteristics of each kind of song (tembang), and practicing panembrana to develop the ability in reciting tembang and implement them in the Javanese teaching and learning at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about principles practice, cengkok (crooked voice), titi laras, pethet, variations as well ad the characteristics of each kind of tembang, and being able to formulate them to solve the problem in creating cakepan tembang, singing every tembang, and practicing panembrama procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the information and data analysis, and providing guidance in advising any alternative solution to solve the problems about creating cakepan tembang, singing every tembang, and practicing panembrama to improve language ability during Javanese teaching and learning at schools.
Having commitment and responsibility toward their works or team to solve the problems about practicing tembang macapat, and panembra during Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Learning and mastering principles practice, cengkok (crooked voice), titi laras, pethet, variations as well ad the characteristics of each kind of tembang, the process of creating cakepan tembang and the ability to perform every tembang, emphasizing on tembang macapat type and being able to practice panembrama to improve the ability in performing tembang and its implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Prawiradisastra, S. Berlatih Tembang. Yogyakarta: FKSS IKIP Yogyakarta.
Tedjohadisumarto, R. Mbombong Manah. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Students have passed the Basic of Javanese course
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather, and process any kinds of speaking skill practices and the implementation to improve Javanese speaking skill competence.
Mastering theoretical concepts of speaking skills and its implementation, and being able to formulate it to solve the problems in any Javanese speaking competences at schools procedurally.
Making strategic decisions based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems about the improvement of Javanese speaking skill competencies at schools.
Being the responsibility of their work and team to solve the problems in the Javanese practice learning process at schools.
Learning and practicing a lot of speaking skills and being able to implement them in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools by utilizing it responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Tarigan, H. G. 2008. Berbicara Sebagai Suatu Ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Laksono, K. 1997. Teori Berbicara. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Yatmana, R. S. 1986. Tuntunan Kagem Panata Cara Tuwin Pamedhar Sabda. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu.
8820202039 PHILOLOGY
Students have passed the courses of Javanese Reading, Literature History, and Literature Theory
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather and process basic theories of philology, approaches, and methods, and the implementation to improve the analytical ability in the field of philology as well as the implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about the approaches and methods and the implementation, as well as being able to formulate it to solve the problems in the analysis of Javanese old texts procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems in the analysis of Javanese old texts at schools.
Having commitment and responsibility for their own work and team to solve the problems on basic philology problems at schools.
Learning the basic theories of philology, approaches, and methods, and the implementation in old Javanese texts to improve the analytical ability in the field of philology and implementing it in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Baroroh Baried, S. 1985. Pengantar Teori Filologi. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Purnomo, S. B. 2007. Filologi dan Studi Sastra Lama. Surabaya: Bintang.
Robson, SO. 1994. Prinsip-prinsip Filologi Indonesia. Terjemahan Kentjanawati Gunawan. Jakarta: RUL
Lubis, Nabilah. 1996. Naskah, Teks, dan Metode Penelitian Filologi. Jakarta: Faklutas Adab IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
Students have passed the Applied Linguistic and Javanese Morphology courses.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M. Si.
Dr. Surana, M. Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather and process grammar mastery (phrases, clauses, and independents sentence patterns) to improve the ability in the syntactic field to be implemented in Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about grammar mastery (phrases, clauses, and independents sentence patterns), and being able to formulate it to solve the problems in Javanese syntactic lesson at schools procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose the alternative solutions to solve the problems in the problems in Javanese syntactic lesson at schools
Being responsible for their own work and team to solve the problems on in Javanese syntactic lesson about the grammar at schools.
Course Description
Learning and mastering grammar (phrases, clauses, and independents sentence patterns) to improve the ability in the syntactic field to be implemented in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Sudaryanto (ed.). 1991. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Jawa. Yogjakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.
Wedhawati, dkk. 2001. Tata Bahasa Jawa Mutakhir. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa.
Poerwadarminto, W.J.S. 1953. Sarining Paramasastra Djawa. Jakarta: Noordhoff Khos. N.V.
Students have passed the Basic Javanese Reading course
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M. Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather and process reading practice on Javanese and Roman letter type texts to improve the language ability and the implementation to improve reading competence in Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about reading skill, and being able to formulate it to solve the problems to improve the competence in Javanese teaching and learning process at school procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose the alternative solutions to solve the problems in the problems in Javanese reading competence lesson at schools
Being responsible for their own work and team to solve the problems on in Javanese syntactic lesson about the grammar at schools.
Learning and practicing reading skills on Javanese and Roman transcription to improve language ability and to implement it in the Javanese teaching and learning at schools by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Harjasujana, Ahmat S. dkk. 1988. Materi Pokok Membaca. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2008. Membaca Sebagai Suatu ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Sudarso. 1988. Membaca Cepat dan Efektif. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Basir, Udjang Pairin. 1997. Ketrampilan Membaca: Teori dan Penerapannya. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Students have passed Javanese Literature History and General Literature Theory courses
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dra, Sri Wahyu Widayati, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather and process theories and any details knowledge about Javanese Literature, namely traditional Javanese expressions (parikan, wangsalan, babasan, proverbs, saloka, isbad, cangkriman, etc.), sengkalan, candra sengkala, surya sengkala, and sandiasma to improve Javanese literature analysis skill.
Mastering theoretical concepts and any detailed knowledge about Javanese Literature, namely traditional Javanese expressions (parikan, wangsalan, babasan, proverbs, saloka, isbad, cangkriman, etc.), sengkalan, candra sengkala, surya sengkala, and sandiasma, and being able to formulate it to solve the problem in Javanese teaching and learning process at school procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems in the practice of Javanese literacy analysis at schools
Committing and being responsible for their own work and team to solve the problems on Javanese literacy analysis at schools.
Analyzing and theorizing theories any detailed knowledge about Javanese Literature, namely traditional Javanese expressions (parikan, wangsalan, babasan, proverbs, saloka, isbad, cangkriman, etc.), sengkalan, candra sengkala, surya sengkala, and sandiasma to improve Javanese literacy analysis skill and its implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning at schools by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Padmosoekotjo. 1956. Ngengrengan Kasusastran Jawi. Jogjakarta: Toko Buku Hien Ho Sing.
E.D.S., Hadiwidjono. 1967. Tata Sastra. Jogjakarta: U.P. Indonesia.
Subalidinata. 1968. Sarining Kasusastran Jawa. Jogjakarta: Yayasan Sastra Lestari.
Haryono, Soewardi. 2008. Buku Pepak Basa Jawa. Jogjakarta: Pustaka Widyatama.
Dwijawiyata. 1999. Kawruh Pepak Basa Jawa. Jogjakarta: Kanisius.
Students have passed the Basic Javanese Writing course.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather, and process writing practices on Javanese and the Roman transcription to improve language ability and implement it to improve Javanese writing competence at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about writing skills and being able to formulate them to solve the Javanese writing problem in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school procedurally.
Making strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems to improve Javanese writing competence at schools
Being responsible of their own work and team to solve the problems on the practice of Javanese writing at schools.
Analyzing writing ability on Javanese and the Roman transcription to improve language competence and its implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning at schools by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 2008. Menulis Sebagai Suatu Ketrampilan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Keraf, Gorys. 1988. Komposisi. Ende Flores: Nusa Indah.
Keraf. Gorys. 1992. Argumentasi dan Narasi. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Parera, Jos Daniel. 1987. Belajar Mengemukakan Pendapat. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Padmosoekotjo. 1986. Wewaton Panulise Aksara Jawa. Surabaya: Citra Jaya Murti.
Lecturers: Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather, and process teaching aids to solve problems in Javanese teaching and learning at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about media and its application and being able to formulate it to solve the problem in Javanese teaching and learning process at school procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems to improve Javanese teaching media at schools
Committing and being responsible for their work and team to solve the problems on the practice of media development in Javanese teaching and learning at schools.
Analyzing and creating various Javanese teaching aids and their implementation in the classroom to solve the problem of Javanese teaching and learning at schools by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Arsyad, Azhar. 2002. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Sadiman, Arief. 1989. Media Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rajawali.
Sudjana, Nana. 1990. Media Pengajaran. Bandung: Sinar Baru.
Sumadi. 2003. Pengembangan Bahan dan Media Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Jakarta: Depdiknas
Students have passed the Innovative Learning course
Lecturers: Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather, and process any data about learning result evaluation, and being able to construct evaluation tools to assess and revise better Javanese teaching and learning process.
Mastering theoretical concepts about learning result evaluation and being able to formulate it to solve the problem in Javanese teaching and learning process at school procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose the alternative solutions to solve the problems related to learning result evaluation, and being able to construct evaluation tools to assess and revise better Javanese teaching and learning process.
Committing and being responsible for their own work and team to solve the problems on constructing evaluation tools in Javanese teaching and learning at schools.
Analyzing basic theories of learning results evaluation being able to construct evaluation tools to assess and revise better Javanese teaching and learning process to solve the problem of Javanese teaching and learning evaluation at schools by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Arifin, Zainal. 2012. Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2001. Penilaian Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
Tuckman, Bruce W. 1975. Measuring Educational Outcomes: Fundamentals of Testing. USA: Horcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
McNamara, T.F. 1996. Measuring Second Language Performance. London and New York: Longman.
Purwanto, Ngalim. 1986. Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran. Bandung: Remaja Karya.
8820202040 PHILOLOGY II
Students have passed the course of Philology I
Lectures: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather and process basic theories of transliteration, translation, and the implementation in old Javanese texts to improve the analytical ability in the field of philology as well as the implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts basic theories of transliteration, translation, and the implementation, as well as being able to formulate it to solve the problems in the analysis of Javanese old texts procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems in transliteration, translation, the analysis practice of Javanese old texts at schools.
Having commitment and responsibility of their own work and team to solve the problems in transliteration, translation, the analysis practice of Javanese old texts at schools.
Learning the basic theories of philology in transliteration, translation, and the implementation in old Javanese texts to improve the analytical ability in the field of philology and implementing it in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Baroroh Baried, S. 1985. Pengantar Teori Filologi. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Purnomo, S. B. 2007. Filologi dan Studi Sastra Lama. Surabaya: Bintang.
Robson, SO. 1994. Prinsip-prinsip Filologi Indonesia. Terjemahan Kentjanawati Gunawan. Jakarta: RUL
Lubis, Nabilah. 1996. Naskah, Teks, dan Metode Penelitian Filologi. Jakarta: Faklutas Adab IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
8820202017 OLD JAVANESE
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather and process the basic concept of Kawi Language and vocabulary building to improve the understanding about the concept of Javanese linguistic and literature as well as the implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts of Kawi Language and vocabulary building as well as being able to formulate it to solve the problems in the analysis of Javanese old texts procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems in the learning of Kawi language etymology and the vocabulary building at schools.
Having commitment and responsibility for their work and team to solve the problems in basic Kawi language etymology and the vocabulary building at schools.
Analyzing the basic concept of Kawi language and vocabulary building to improve the understanding of the basic concept of Javanese linguistic and literature, as well as the in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Zoetmulder, P.J. dan IR Pudjawiyatna. 1993. Bahasa Parwa I dan II. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Zoetmulder, P.J. 1963. Sekar Semawur. Jakarta: PT Obor.
Hadiwidjana, RDS. 1952. Sarwasastra Jilid I-III. Jogjakarta: UP Indonesia.
Wardiwasito, L. 1984. Struktur Bahasa Jawa Kuna. Bandung: Nusa Indah.
Suwarni. 1989. Pengantar Morfologi Bahasa Jawa Kuna. Surabaya: IKIP Surabaya University Press.
The students have passed the Javanese Literature Theory course.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather, and process any basics and practices about poetry appreciation to improve literature analysis skills as well as the implementation in the Javanese teaching and learning process.
Mastering theoretical concepts of the basics and practices about poetry appreciation as well as being able to formulate it to solve the problems in prose appreciation practice procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose alternative solutions to solve the problems in poetry appreciation practice at schools.
Having commitment and responsibility of their work and team to solve the problems in poetry appreciation practice at schools.
Analyzing and mastering the basics and practices of poetry appreciation to improve the ability in analyzing literature, and being able to implement it in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Bambang Purnomo. 2006. Sastra Gumelar: Pengantar Ke Arah Apresiasi Fiksi Jawa Modern. Surabaya:
Sudjiman, Panuti. 1988. Memahami Cerita Rekaan. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.
Hutomo, Suripan Sadi. 1975. Telaah Kesusasteraan Jawa Modern. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Depdikbud.
Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Students have passed the Javanese Syntactic I course.
Lectures: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M. Si.
Dr. Surana, M. Hum.
Learning Outcomes
Making use of IT to collect, gather, and process grammar mastery (sentence type classification) to improve the ability in syntactic analysis to be implemented in Javanese teaching and learning process at schools.
Mastering theoretical concepts about grammar mastery (sentence type classification), and being able to formulate it to solve the problems in Javanese syntactic lesson at schools procedurally.
Making a strategic decision based on the data and information analysis, and providing guidance to choose the alternative solutions to solve the problems in the problems in Javanese syntactic lesson at schools
Being responsible for their work and team to solve the problems in the Javanese syntactic lesson about the sentence type classification at schools.
Analyzing sentence structure (sentence type classification) to improve the ability in the syntactic field to be implemented in the Javanese teaching and learning process at school by utilizing IT responsibly. The subject‘s system provides the students with assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Sudaryanto (ed.). 1991. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Jawa. Yogjakarta: Duta Wacana University Press.
Wedhawati, dkk. 2001. Tata Bahasa Jawa Mutakhir. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa.
Pike, Kenneth L. 1992. Konsep Linguistik: Pengantar Teori Tagmemik. Terjemahan Kentjanawati Gunawan. Jakarta: Summer Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Poerwadarminto, W.J.S. 1953. Sarining Paramasastra Djawa. Jakarta: Noordhoff Khos. N.V.
Lecturers: Drs. Sri Wahyu Widayati, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Dra. Sri Sulistani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various scientific writings, articles, columns, features, and writing techniques in order to solve problems in writing scientific papers.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about scientific writing, articles, columns, features, and writing techniques, as well as being able to formulate in solving various problems on writing scientific papers procedurally.
• Being able to make strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems on writing scientific papers.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of writing scientific papers about Javanese language and literature in schools.
This subject contains the creation of scientific writings, articles, columns, features, and writing techniques to improve skills in solving problems on writing scientific papers and their application in learning Javanese in schools by utilizing science and technology based on the responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussion, presentation, and reflection.
Akhadiah, Sabarti, dkk. 1988. Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Hariston, Maxine C. 1991. Successful Writing: a Rhetoric for Advanced Composition. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Huda, Nuril dkk. 2000. Menulis Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang.
Surahmad, Winarno. 1988. Paper, Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi. Bandung: Tarsito.
Students have passed Javanese Writing course.
Lecturers: Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various kinds of Javanese journalism and get to know the intricacies of graphic art on Javanese language publishing in order to improve journalistic skills and its application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about journalism and being able to formulate in solving various journalistic problems procedurally.
• Being able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving journalistic problems in order to improve language skills and their application on learning Javanese language in schools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various journalistic practice problems that support learning Javanese language and literature in schools.
This subject discusses the practice of various kinds of journalism in Javanese language and gets to know the intricacies of graphic art on Javanese publishing to improve journalistic skills and its application on Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology which is based on responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussion, presentation, and reflection.
Gill, Genroso J. (Ed). 1987. Penuntun Mengenai Teknik Membuat Berita. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor.
Siregar, Ashadi, dkk. 1982. Bagaimana Menjadi Penulis Media Massa: Pengantar Umum. Yogyakarta: karya Unipress.
Assegaff, Dja’far H. 1983. Jurnalistik Masa Kini: Pengantar Ke Praktik Kewartawanan. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.
Trimansyah, Bambang. 2001. Jurnalistik Untuk Remaja. Stevn Heller & Seymour Chwast. Abrams. 2011. Jakarta: Impresindo.
Lecturers: Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process the practices of various Javanese traditional ceremonies related to pregnancy and birth in order to increase knowledge of traditional ceremonies and their application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about Javanese traditional ceremonial traditions related to pregnancy and birth, and being able to formulate in solving various problems of Javanese traditional practice procedurally.
• Being able to make accurate decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving Javanese traditional practice problems that support Javanese language learning in schools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of traditional practices regarding pregnancy and birth that support Javanese language and literature learning in schools.
This subject describes various Javanese traditional ceremonial traditions related to pregnancy and birth to improve skills in solving problems of traditional ceremonies and their application on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on the responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Hardjowirogo. 1979. Adat Istiadat Jawa. Bandung: PATMA.
Bratawidjaja, Wiyasa T. 1993. Upacara Tradisional Masyarakat Jawa. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
Mulder, Niel. 1994. Individu and Society in Java, Cultural Analisis. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
8820202010 PEGON ARABIC
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various intricacies of learning Pegon Arabic and Arabic itself in order to solve Javanese language and literary problems.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the alphabet of Pegon Arabic and being able to formulate the procedural solutions of various problems.
• Being able to make strategic decisions based on the information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving linguistic and literary problems in Javanese society to improve language skills and their application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Being responsible for the performance of individual and group learning in solving various problems on Pegon Arabic learning practices in schools.
This subject contains of the characteristics of Pegon Arabic alphabet in various Javanese manuscripts: letters, phonemes, words, Arabic; study of the adaptation system of Arabic letters and Arabic to Javanese language and scriptwriting systems, as well as comparisons of Arabic and Javanese writing systems to support in solving linguistic and literary problems in Javanese society and their application on learning Javanese in schools by utilizing science and technology which is based on the responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Bambang Purnomo. 2006. Sastra Rinakit: Mutiara-mutiara Pesisir. Bahan Kuliah. Surabaya: FBS Unesa.
Robson, S.O. 1978. Pengkajian Sastra-sastra Tradisional Indonesia, dalam Bahasa dan Sastra no. 6 th. IV. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa
Sudarmo. 1990. Kata Serapan dari Bahasa Arab. Jakarta: Arikha Media Cipta.
Hadi, Abdul. 2006. Naskah-naskah Jawa Pesisir. Jakarta: Universitas Paramadina.
Students have passed Javanese Literature Theory, Javanese Poetry Appreciation, and Javanese Prose Fiction Appreciation course.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dra, Sri Wahyu Widayati, M.Si.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic concepts and practices of literary criticism in order to improve literary analysis skills and their application on Javanese language learning.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the basics and practices of literary criticism, and being able to formulate in solving various problems on Javanese literature criticism procedurally.
• Being able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving Javanese literature criticism problems.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of Javanese literature criticism practice in schools.
This subject discusses the mastery of basic concepts and practice of literary criticism to improve literary analysis skills and their application on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on the responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Harjana, Andre. 1987. Kritik Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Gramedia.
Pradopo, Rachmat Djoko. 1995. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Kritik Sastra. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Purnomo, Bambang. 1982. Pengantar Ke Arah Kritik Sastra Jawa Modern. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Students have passed Teaching Learning Innovative and Assessment of Learning Process and Outcomes course.
Lecturers: Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various learning planning models and their development as well as provision of the ability to compile Lesson Plan in order to solve problems of Javanese language and literature learning tools in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about approaches, models, and methods of lesson plan development, and being able to solve various problems of Javanese language and literature learning tools procedurally.
• Being able to make accurate decisions based on the information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving the problems on Javanese language and literature learning tools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems in compiling Javanese language and literature learning tools in schools.
This subject describes various lesson plan models and their development as well as the provision of the ability to plan Javanese language and literature learning in improving skills on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on the responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Majid, Abdul. 2011. Perencanaan Pembelajaran. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Harjanto. 2008. Perencanaan Pengajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Hamidah, Siti Cholisatul. 2003. Perangkat Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Lanjutan Pertama.
Semi, M.Atar. 1993. Rancangan Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Bandung: Angkasa.
Students have passed Karawitan Art dan Javanese Song course.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various types of Javanese folk performing arts, such as puppetry (puppet), ketoprak, ludruk, ukulele, and regional language theater (Javanese) in order to improve role-playing skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the types of Javanese folk performing arts, such as puppetry (puppet), ketoprak, ludruk, ukulele, and regional language theater (Javanese), and able to formulate procedural solutions to various problems about practice of drama.
• Being able to make strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions for solving problems about practice of drama.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of practice of drama that support Javanese language and literature learning in schools.
This subject discusses various types of Javanese folk performing arts, such as puppetry (puppet), ketoprak, ludruk, ukulele, and regional language theater (Javanese) to improve role-playing skills and their application on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on a responsible attitude. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Depdikbud. Tuntunan Seni Kethoprak. Yogyakarta: Proyek Pengem-bangan Kesenian.
Supriyanto, Henry. 1992. Lakon Ludruk Jawa Timur. Jakarta: Grasindo.
Nayawirangka, M.Ng. 1956. Serat Tuntunan Pedhalangan. Yogyakarta: Cabang Bagian Bahasa Depdikbud.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various productive relations in Javanese language socially in order to solve problems, increase language analysis skills, and its application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the productive relations of Javanese language socially, as well as being able to formulate in solving various problems for improving language analysis skills and its application on learning Javanese language in schools procedurally.
• Being able to make accurate decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems on learning productive relationship in Javanese sociolinguistics in schools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems on learning productive relationship of Javanese sociolinguistics in schools.
The subject contains Javanese language productive relations socially to improve language analysis skills and its application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Sumarsono. 2011. Sosiolinguistik. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Rahardi, Kunjana. 2010. Kajian Sosiolinguistik. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.
Basir, Udjang Pairin. 2000. Sosiolinguistik: Pendekatan Kajian Bahasa Lisan. Surabaya: University Press Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Bell, Roder T. 1995. Sosiolinguistik, Sajian Tujuan Pendekatan, dan Problema-Problemanya (Alih bahasa Abdul Syukur Ibrahim). Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.
Hudson, R.A. 1988. Sociolinguistics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Students have passed Old Javanese course.
Lecturer: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various characteristics of Javanese Old literary works in order to improve analytical skills of Javanese Old literary works and their application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the characteristics of Javanese Old literary works, and being able to formulate in solving various problems on Javanese Old literary works procedurally.
• Being able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems on Javanese Old literary works in schools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of analyzing Javanese Old literary works in schools.
This subject discusses the Javanese Old literature to improve the analytical skills of Javanese Old literature and its application on learning Javanese language in schools by utilizing science and technology which is based on responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Pigeaud. 1967. Literature of Java. Leiden: The Hague, martinus Nijhoff.
Zoutmulder, P.J. 1983. Kalangwan: Sastra Jawa Kuna Selayang Pandang. Terjemahan Dick Hartoko. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Poerbatjaraka. 1950. Tjerita Pandji Dalam Perbandingan. Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
Poerbatjaraka. 1957. Kapustakan Jawi. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various types of relations, changes, and fields of meaning in order to improve semantic analysis skills and for application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about types, relationships, changes, and the field of meaning and being able to formulate in solving various semantic learning problems on Javanese language in schools procedurally.
• Being able to make accurate decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions on solving Javanese semantic learning problems in schools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems on Javanese semantic learning in schools.
This subject discusses the concepts, types, relationships, changes, and fields of meaning in order to improve semantic analysis skills for application on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Djajasudarma, T. Fatimah. 1993. Semantik I dan II, Pengantar ke arah Ilmu Makna. Bandung: Eresco.
Gudai, Darmansyah. 1989. Semantik: Beberapa Topik Utama. Jakarta: P2LPTK Dirjen Dikti Depdikbud.
Leech, Geoffrey. 2003. Semantik (terjemahan). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Padmosoekotjo, S. 1953. Ngengrengan Kasusastran Djawa I dan II. Yogyakarta: Hien Hoo Sing.
Parera, Jos Daniel. 1991. Teori Semantik. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1985. Pengajaran Semantik. Bandung: Angkasa.
Students have passed Javanese Syntax I course.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum. .
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process a variety of Javanese discourses in order to improve discourse analysis skills and their application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the diversity of Javanese discourse, and being able to formulate in solving various problems on Javanese language learning in schools procedurally.
• Being able to make strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions for solving learning problems of Javanese discourse diversity.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of Javanese discourse.
This subject discusses the tools and diversity of Javanese discourse to improve discourse analysis skills and their application on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Hidayat, Deddy N. 2012. Analisis Wacana (Pengantar Analisis Teks Media). Yogyakarta: LkiS.
Jorgensen, Marianne W. dan Louise J. Phillips. 2010. Analisis Wacana: Teori & Metode. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Lubis, Hamid Hasan. 2011. Analisis Wacana Pragmatik. Bandung: Angkasa.
Samsuri. 1987. Analisis Wacana. Jakarta: P2LPTK Depdikbud.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1989. Pengajaran Wacana. Bandung: Angkasa.
Students have passed Javanese Literature Theory course.
Lecturers: Drs. Sukarman, M.Si
Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various forms of Javanese folklore in the context of enriching insights about Javanese language, literature, and culture and their application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the definition, form, and function of Javanese folklore, as well as being able to formulate in the completion of various forms of analysis practices of Javanese folklore procedurally.
• Being able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving problems of Javanese folklore in order to improve language skills and their application on Javanese language learning in schools.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems in the analysis of Javanese folklore forms on Javanese language and literature learning in schools.
This course contains Javanese folklore forms in the context of enriching insights on Javanese language, literature, and culture and its application of Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Danandjaja, James. 1986. Folklor Indonesia. Jakarta: Graffiti Press.
Dundes, Allan (ed). 1965. The Study of Folklore. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various research data on Javanese language and literature and its application in the context of solving Javanese language and literature problems.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the approaches, theories, methods, and techniques of Javanese language and literature research, and being able to solve various problems of Javanese language and literature procedurally.
• Being able to make accurate decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions for solving Javanese language and literature problems.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems on the preparation of Javanese language and literature research proposals.
This subject describes the basic approaches, research theories, methods, and research techniques in Javanese language and literature and its application is related to the factual formulation of design and implementation and its application on Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on the responsible attitude. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode Linguistik, Arah Memahami Metode Linguistik. Yogyakarta: University Press.
Sudaryanto. 1993. Metode dan Aneka Teknik Analisis Bahasa. Yogyakarta: University Press
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1992. Prosedur Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Jabrohim (ed). 2001. Metode Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Hanindita.
Ratna, Nyoman Kutha. 2004. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Aminudin. 1990. Metode dalam Penelitian Sastra, dalam Pengembangan Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Bidang Bahasa dan Sastra. Malang: YA3.
Moleong, Lexy J. 2001. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya.
Students have passed Philology I and II course.
Lecturers: Dr. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to make use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic principles of text criticism, approaches, and methods and their application in order to study and analyze old codex studies critically and creatively.
• Mastering theoretical concepts of textual criticism, approaches, and methods, and being able to formulate in solving various problems on the study and analysis of old codex studies critically, creatively, and procedurally.
• Being able to make strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions for solving problems on the study and analysis of old codex studies.
• Being responsible for the individual and group learning performance in solving various problems on the study and review of old codex studies in schools.
This subject contains of the basic principles of text criticism, approaches, and methods as well as their application on the study and analysis of old codex studies critically and creatively to improve old literary analysis skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Purnomo, S. Bambang. 2007. Filologi dan Studi Sastra Lama. Surabaya: Bintang.
Baroroh Baried, Siti. 1985. Pengantar Teori Filologi. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.
Arnold & Wilson. 1972. Scribes and Scholars. New York: Pinguin Ltd.
West, Martin L. 1973. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique. Stugart: BG Teubner.
Lecturers: Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.A.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Making use of science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various data about the nature and components of the curriculum, curriculum competencies, and curriculum analysis in order to solve problems on Javanese language and literature learning curriculum.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about approaches, models, methods, and curriculum analysis techniques, and being able to formulate in solving various problems on Javanese language and literature learning curriculum procedurally.
• Being able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions for solving Javanese language and literature learning curriculum problems.
• Being responsible for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of studying the Javanese language and literature learning curriculum in schools.
This course discusses the nature and components of the curriculum, the competence of learning Javanese language and literature in the curriculum, and the application of curriculum processing on learning Javanese language and literature in schools by utilizing science and technology based on the responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Reksoatmodjo. 2010. Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
Sanjaya, Wina. 2008. Kurikulum Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group.
Firdaus, Zulfahnur Z. dan Rosmid Rose. 1987. Telaah Kurikulum Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka.
Soetopo, Hendayat dan Wasty Sumanto. 1993. Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Kurikulum. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
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Students have chosen the Assessment course
Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process variables and application of theories and basic concepts of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for the preparation of theses in support of Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concept of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, and able to formulate procedural solutions to various Javanese learning problems.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide instructions in choosing various alternative solutions in completion and solving Javanese language learning in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of statistical analysis practices that support learning Javanese language and literature in schools.
The study and application of the theory and basic concepts of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in the preparation of a thesis to improve skills in using educational statistics, and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Hadi, Sutrisno. 1993. Statistik Jilid I, II, III. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi UGM.
Supangat, Andi. 2008. Statistika: Dalam Kajian Deskriptif, Inferensi, dan Nonparametrik. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
Mayer, Merle. 1976. A Statistical Analisis of Behavior. California: Nadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. Belmont.
Hasan, Iqbal. 2008. Pokok-Pokok Materi Statistik 1 (Statistik Deskriptif). Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Hasan, Iqbal. 2008. Pokok-Pokok Materi Statistik 2 (Statistik Inferensif). Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Students have chosen the Javanese Tradition I course
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Octo Dendy Andriyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and cultivate the practice of various Javanese traditional ceremonial traditions related to marriage and local traditions to improve skills in carrying out traditional ceremonies and their application in learning Javanese in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concept of Javanese traditional ceremonial traditions, and able to formulate the procedural solutions to various problems of the marriage tradition and local Javanese traditions.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide instructions in choosing various alternative solutions in completion and solving the problems of traditional Javanese marriage practices and traditions that support learning Javanese in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of traditional Javanese marriage practices and traditions that support learning Javanese language and literature in schools.
The study of various Javanese traditional ceremonial traditions related to marriage and local traditions to improve skills in carrying out traditional ceremonies and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations, and reflections.
Hardjowirogo. 1979. Adat Istiadat Jawa. Bandung: PATMA.
Bratawidjaja, Wiyasa T. 1993. Upacara Tradisional Masyarakat Jawa. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
Mulder, Niel. 1994. Individu and Society In Java, Cltural Analisis. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Purwadi. 2004. Tata Cara Pernikahan Pengantin Jawa. Yogyakarta: Media Abadi.
Hariwijaya. 2005. Perkawinan Adat Jawa. Yogyakarta: Media Abadi.
Rostiyati, Ani. dkk. 1995. Fungsi Upacara Tradisional bagi Masyarakat Pendukungnya Masa Kini. Yogyakarta: Depdikbud.
Students have chosen the Javanese Old Literature course
Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various characteristics of Middle Javanese literature in order to improve the analytical skills of Middle Javanese literary works and their application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concept of characteristics of Javanese Middle literature (history, characteristic, and form), and able to formulate procedurally in solving various problems of analysis of Javanese Middle literature.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provides guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in completion and solving problems in the analysis of middle Javanese literary works in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility towards individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of analysis of middle Javanese literary works in schools.
The study of Javanese Middle literature is used to improve the analytical skills of Middle Javanese literary work and its application in Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Pigeaud. 1967. Literature of Java. Leiden: The Hague, martinus Nijhoff.
Zoutmulder, P.J. 1983. Kalangwan: Sastra Jawa Kuna Selayang Pandang. Terjemahan Dick Hartoko. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Poerbatjaraka. 1950. Tjerita Pandji Dalam Perbandingan. Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
Poerbatjaraka. 1957. Kapustakan Jawi. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Students have chosen the Javanese Old Literature and Javanese Middle Literature course
Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various characteristics of Javanese Pesisir literature to improve analytical skills of coastal java literature and its application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about the history of its development, characteristics, both prose and poetry (tembang and singir), and able to formulate procedural solutions to various problems of analysis of coastal Javanese literary works.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and providing guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems in the analysis of Javanese Pesisir literary works in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems in the analysis of coastal java literary works in schools.
The study of Javanese Pesisir literature includes the history of its development, its characteristics, both prose and poetry (tembang and singir) and a discussion of several selected works to improve analysis skills of coastal Javanese literature and its application in Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on a responsible attitude. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Pigeaud. 1967. Literature of Java. Leiden: The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.
Poerbatjaraka. 1957. Kapustakan Jawi. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Purnomo, S.Bambang. 1994. Sastra Jawa Pesisiran: Pengantar Kajian Sastra Lama. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Purnomo, S. Bambang. 2008. Sastra Rinakit: Mutiara-Mutiara Pesisir. Surabaya: CV Bintang.
Students have chosen the Javanese Literature Theory and Javanese Literature Criticism course
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic concepts of comparative literature in order to improve literary analytical skills and their application in Javanese language learning.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts of comparative literature, as well as being able to formulate a procedural way to solve various problems of comparing Javanese literature with other works.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems in comparing Javanese literature with other works.
• Having a commitment and attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of comparative analysis of Javanese literature in schools.
To study the basic concepts of comparative literature, to improve literary work analysis skills and their application in Javanese language learning by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Hutomo, Suripan Sadi. 1997. Sosiologi Sastra Jawa. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Damono, Sapardi Djoko. 2005. Pegangan Penelitian Sastra Bandingan. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Nada, Thaha. 1999. Sastra Bandingan. Terjemahan Drs. Aliuddin, MA. Depok: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia.
Weinsstein, Ulrich. 1963. Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. London: Indiana University Press.
Students have chosen the Javanese Poetry Appreciation and Javanese Prose Fiction Appreciation course
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basics and practices of children's literary appreciation in order to improve children's literary analytical skills and their application in Javanese learning.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about children's literature and its details, and able to formulate the solution to various practical problems in appreciating children's literary works procedurally.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving practical problems of appreciating children's literature (Javanese) in schools.
• Having a commitment and attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of appreciating children's literature (Javanese) in schools.
The study, development, and implementation of children's literature learning which includes the basic concepts of children's literature (Javanese) and training to analyze children's literary works and their application in learning Javanese in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, presentations and discussions, and reflections.
Sarumpaet, Riris K. 1976. Bacaan Anak-anak. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.
Sugihastuti. 1996. Serba-serbi Cerita Anak. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Patik, Othman dan Abdul P. Achmad. (ed). 1984. Sekitar Sastra Kanak-kanak dan Remaja. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Being able to utilize science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various linguistic concepts and their application in various interests and their application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about linguistic concepts and their application, and being able to formulate procedural solutions to various linguistic problems.
• Being able to make strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in completion and solving linguistic problems and their application in learning Javanese in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various linguistic problems.
The study of linguistic concepts and their application techniques in various interests of communicating with Javanese to improve language skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Surana. 2015. Trampil Basa. Surabaya: CV Bintang.
Yatmana, Rama Sudi. 1986. Tuntunan kagem Pranata Cara Tuwin Pamedhar Sabda. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu.
Laksono, Kisyani. 1997. Teori Berbicara. Surabaya: University Press IKIP Surabaya.
Pateda, Mansur. 1991. Linguistik Terapan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius
Jasmadi. 2005. Kiat menjadi Penulis Buku Profesional. Yogyakarta: Andi.
Chaer, Abdul. 2012. Linguistik Umum. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Prof. Dr.Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Dra. Sri Sulistiani, M.Pd.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various research data on learning Javanese language and literature and its application in the context of solving Javanese language and literary problems
• Mastering the theoretical concepts of approaches, theories, methods and research techniques for learning Javanese language and literature, and being able to formulate the procedural solutions to various problems of learning Javanese language and literature in schools.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving Javanese language and literature learning problems in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems in the preparation of research proposals for learning Javanese language and literature.
The study of the basics of approaches, research theories, methods, and research techniques for language and literature learning, and their application is related to the factual preparation and implementation of them and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Aminuddin. 1990. Metode Kualitatif Dalam Penelitian Bahasa, dalam: Pengembangan Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Bidang Bahasa dan Sastra. Malang: YA 3
Branenn, Julia. 2002. Memadu Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif. Terjemahan H. Nuktah Artawie Kurde. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Aqib, Zainal. 2007. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
Sukardi. 2008. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Students have chosen Javanese Literature Theory and Javanese Literature Criticism course
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M. A.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic concepts of literary sociology in order to improve literary analytical skills and their application in Javanese learning.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the sociology of literature approach, and being able to formulate procedurally in solving various social problems in Javanese literary works.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving social problems in Javanese literature.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for the performance of individual and group learning in solving various practical problems of the sociological analysis of Javanese literature in schools.
The study and mastery of the basic concepts of sociology of literature to improve literary work analysis skills and their application in Javanese language learning by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Damono, Sapardi Djoko. 1979. Sosiologi Sastra, Sebuah Pengantar. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa. Depdikbud.
Yunus, Umar. 1982. Sosiologi Sastra: Persoalan Teori dan Metode. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Ratna, Nyoman Kutha. 2003. Paradigma Sosiologi Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Faruk. 1999. Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra: dari strukturalisme genetik sampai ke post-modernisme. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Latif Nur Hasan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various entrepreneurial intricacies in order to build and improve entrepreneurial mentality.
• Mastering theoretical concepts about the intricacies of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mentality, and being able to formulate procedural solutions to various problems regarding entrepreneurship.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems regarding entrepreneurship and student entrepreneurial mental development.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of entrepreneurial form analysis practices that support learning Javanese language and literature in schools.
The study and introduction of the intricacies in entrepreneurship and have an entrepreneurial mentality and its application in learning Javanese in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Tim. 2000. Kewirausahaan. Surabaya: University Press Unesa.
Alma, Buchari. 1999. Kewirausahaan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Hantoro, Sirod. 2005. Kiat Sukses Berwirausaha. Yogyakarta: Adicitra Karya Nusa.
Students have chosen Javanese Literature Theory and Javanese Literature Criticism course
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Yunita Ernawati, S.Pd., M.A.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic concepts of literary psychology in order to improve literary analytical skills and their application in Javanese learning.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about literary psychology, and able to formulate procedurally in solving various psychological problems in Javanese literary works.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving psychological problems in Javanese literature.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of Javanese literary psychological analysis practice in schools.
Study the basic concepts of literary psychology, to improve literary analysis skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Milner, Max. 1992. Freud dan Interpretasi Sastra. Jakarta: Intermassa.
Jatman, Darmanto. 1985. Sastra, Psikologi, dan Masyarakat. Bandung: Alumni.
Endraswara, Suwardi. 2008. Metode Penelitian Psikologi Sastra.Teori, langkah, dan Penerapannya. Yogyakarta: Media Presindo.
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1985. Dasar-dasar Psikosastra. Bandung: Angkasa.
Students have chosen Javanese Semantics and Javanese Literature Criticism course
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various basic stylistic concepts in order to improve literary analytical skills and their application in Javanese learning.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about stylistics, and being able to formulate procedurally in solving various problems about language in Javanese literary works.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems about language in Javanese literary works.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of the stylistic analysis of Javanese literature in schools.
Assessment of basic stylistic concepts to improve literary analysis skills and their application in Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Aminuddin. 1995. Stilistika: Pengantar Memahami Bahasa Dalam Karya Sastra. Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press.
Culler, Jonathan. 1981. Structural Poetic, Structuralism, Linguistics, and Literature. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Panuti Sudjiman. 1992. Bunga rampai Stilistika. Jakarta: Grafiti.
Chapman, Raymond. 1973. An Introductions to Literary Stylistics. London: Edward Arnold.
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various speech acts and Javanese language politeness in order to improve language analytical skills and their application in Javanese learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts of Javanese speech acts and politeness, and being able to formulate procedural solutions to various problems to improve language analysis skills and their application in learning Javanese in schools.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving Javanese pragmatic learning problems in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems in Javanese pragmatic learning in schools.
Study of speech acts and Javanese language politeness to improve language analysis skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Yule, George. 2013. Pragmatik. Jakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Rahardi, Kunjana. 2006. Pragmatik: Kesantunan Imperatif Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Nababan, P.W.J. 1987. Ilmu Pragmatik. Jakarta: Departemen P &K
Purwo, Bambang Kaswanti. 1990. Pragmatik dan Pengajaran Bahasa: Menyibak Kurikulum 1984. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Wijana, I Dewa Putu. 1996. Dasar-dasar Pragmatik. Yogyakarta: Andi Ofset.
Lecturers: Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various percussion concepts, history of diction, types of dictionaries and practice compiling dictionaries and their application in Javanese learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about dictionaries, history of dictionaries, types of dictionaries and practicing compiling dictionaries and being able to formulate procedurally in solving various problems of learning Javanese language in schools.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving learning to compile a Javanese dictionary in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems in learning to compile a Javanese dictionary in schools.
Study the nature of lexicography, various concepts of diction, history of diction, types of dictionaries and practice compiling dictionaries and their application in learning Javanese in schools by utilizing science and technology which is based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Chaer, Abdul. 2008. Leksikologi dan Leksikografi Indonesia. Bandung: Rineka Cipta.
Hartmann, RRK. 1993. Leksikografi: Prinsip dan Amalan. Terjemahan Zainal Abidin. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Zgusta, Ladislav (ed). 1980. Theory and Method in Lexicography: Westernand Non-Western Prospective. Urbama: Hornbeam Press.
Students have chosen Javanese Semantics course
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Sugeng Adipitoyo, M.Si.
Dr. Surana, M.Hum.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various relationships between the Javanese language and its people in order to improve language analytical skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about the relationship between the Javanese language and its people, and being able to formulate procedural solutions to various problems to improve language analysis skills and their application in learning Javanese in schools.
• Make strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems of learning relations between and the community in Javanese psycholinguistics in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for the performance of individual and group learning in solving various problems in learning the relationship between and the community in Javanese psycholinguistics in schools.
The study of the relationship between the Javanese language and its people to improve language analysis skills and its application in Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Dardjowidjojo, Soenjono. 2003. Psikolinguistik: Pengantar Pemahaman Bahasa Manusia. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
Chaer, Abdul. 2002. Psikolinguistik: Suatu Kajian Teoretis. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya.
Clark, Herbert & Eve Clark. 1975. Psichology of Language. New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovick.
Chaer, Abdul. 2009. Psikolinguistik: Kajian Teoretik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Mar’at, Samsunuwiyati. 2005. Psikolinguistik Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.
Students have chosen Javanese Old Literature and Javanese Middle Literature course
Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various New Javanese (Classical) literary characteristics in order to improve analytical skills of classical Javanese literary works and their application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about history, characteristics, both prose and poetry, and being able to formulate in the solution of various analytical problems procedurally selected classical Javanese literary works.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems in the analysis of newly selected Javanese literary works in schools.
• Having a commitment and an attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various practical problems of analyzing new Javanese literary works (classical) in schools.
The study of New Javanese literature (Classical), includes the history of its development, characteristics, both prose and poetry (tembang macapat, tembang gedhe) and discussion of several selected works to improve analysis skills of classical Javanese literature and its application in Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Pigeaud. 1967. Literature of Java. Leiden: The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.
Poerbatjaraka. 1957. Kapustakan Jawi. Jakarta: Jambatan.
Darusuprapta. 1983. Serat Wulangreh. Surabaya: citrajaya murti.
Anjar any. 1980. Serat Wedatama. Yogyakarta.
Kats, J. 1959. Pethikan saking Serat-Serat Anggitanipun KGPAA Mangku Nagara IV. Leiden: Waltervreden
Students have chosen the Javanese Literature History and Javanese Traditions course
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Udjang Pairin, M.Pd.
Drs. Bambang Purnomo,MS
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various forms, types, Javanese puppet art, stories, balungan, and wayang figures in order to improve puppet skills and their application in Javanese language learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts about the forms, types, Javanese puppet art, stories, balungan, and wayang figures, and able to formulate in solving various problems regarding the recognition of narrative and its characters as well as the didactic and philosophical values contained in the art of puppets in a procedural manner.
• Making strategic decisions based on information and data analysis, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems regarding the introduction of storytelling and its characters as well as the didactic and philosophical values contained in Javanese puppets art.
• Having a commitment and attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various problems of Javanese puppet appreciation practices that support Javanese language and literature learning in schools.
The study of forms, types, Javanese puppet art, stories, balungan, wayang characters, and classical puppetry and carangan training, with an emphasis on the form of recognition of narrative and its characters as well as the didactic and philosophical values contained in the art of puppets and its application in Javanese language learning in schools by utilizing science and technology which is based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, practices, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Dwiyanto, Djoko, dkk. 2010. Ensiklopedi Wayang. Yogyakarta: Media Abadi.
Pendit, Nyoman S. 2004. Mahabharata. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Mulyono, Sri. 1989. Wayang, Asal Usul Filsafat dan Masa Depannya. Jakarta: CV Haji Masagung.
Zoetmulder, P.J. 1983. Kalangwan: Sastra Jawa Kuno Selayang Pandang. Jakarta: Djambatan.
Students have chosen the Javanese Culture course
Lecturers: Drs. Bambang Purnomo, M.S.
Drs. Sukarman, M.Si.
Learning Outcomes
• Utilizing science and technology to obtain, collect, and process various aspects of the philosophy that underlie traditions, traditional ceremonies, and various Javanese views of life and their application in Javanese learning in schools.
• Mastering the theoretical concepts of philosophy that underlie Javanese traditions, traditional ceremonies, and various views of life, as well as being able to formulate procedurally solving various problems of the form, function and meaning of Javanese philosophy.
• Making strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data, and provide guidance in choosing various alternative solutions in solving and solving problems of the form, function and meaning of Javanese philosophy in traditions, traditional ceremonies, and various Javanese life views.
• Having a commitment and attitude of responsibility for individual and group learning performance in solving various Javanese philosophical problems that support Javanese language and literature learning in schools.
The study of various aspects of the philosophy that underlie the traditions, traditional ceremonies, and various views of Javanese life, in the life of the Javanese community which includes aspects of form, function, and meaning as well as their application in Javanese learning in schools by utilizing science and technology based on an attitude of responsibility. This course is presented with a system of assignments, discussions, presentations and reflections.
Haq, Muhammad Zaairul. 2011. Mutiara Hidup Manusia Jawa. Malang: Aditya Media Publising.
Geerth, Clifford. 1983. Abangan, Santri, dan Priyayi dalam Masyarakat. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.
Geerth, Hildred. 1985. Keluarga Jawa. Jakarta: Grafiti Pers.
Koentjaraningrat. 1984. Kebudayaan Jawa. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Ciptoprawiro, Abdullah. 1986. Filsafat Jawa. Jakarta: balai Pustaka.
Purnomo, S. Bambang. 1997. Tentang Filsafat dan Pandangan Hidup Jawa. Surabaya: University Press.