Module Course Handbook

Javanese Pholonolgy

Javanese Tradition I

Javanese Clasic Literature

Javanese Song II 

Karawitan Art I



Educational Psychology

Javanese Literature History

Javanese Culture


General Linguistics

Javanese Song  I

Learning Theory

Javanese Literature General Theory  

Javanese Morphology I

Principles of Pancasila


Basic Javanese  Reading

Basic Javanese Speaking

Basic Javanese Education

Basic Javanese Writing

Karawitan Art II

Javanese Song III

Teaching Learning Innovation


Basic Science

Javanese Morphology II

Javanese Speaking

Philology I

Javanese Syntax I

Javanese Reading

Javanese Literature Theory

Javanese Writing 

Learning Media Development

Assessment of Learning Process and Outcomes

Javanese Poetry Appreciation

Philology II

Old Javanese

Javanese Prose Fiction Appreciation

Javanese Syntax II

Academic Writing

Javanese Journalism (Apprenticeship)


Pegon Arabic

Teaching Practicum I

Javanese Literature Criticism

Instructional Design

Javanese Folklore

Javanese Sociolinguistic

Javanese Old Literature

Javanese Semantics

Javanese Discourse Analysis


Javanese Language and Literature Research Methods

Old Codex Studies

School Curriculum  Study

Micro Teaching

Javanese Tradition I

Javanese Middle Literature

Javanese Pesisir Literature

Comparative Literature

Javanese Learning Child Literature

Javanese Applied Linguistics

Research Methodology

Javanese Listening

Javanese Sociology of Literature

Community Service

Practice of Drama

Javanese Psychology of Literature

Javanese Stylistic

Javanese Pragmatic

Javanese Lexicography

Javanese Psycholinguistics

Puppets Appreciation

Philosophy of Science

Javanese Philosophy

Javanese Tradition II

Teaching Practicum II

Undergraduate Thesis